Biodiversity and species preservation.

Australian Foundation for Wilderness

Wilderness Australia exists to prevent the collapse of nature by connecting wilderness areas and precious ecosystems.

Big Scrub Landcare

Big Scrub's mission is to help save from extinction Australia’s critically endangered lowland subtropical rainforest

Blue Derby Wild Inc

Blue Derby Wild advocates for the protection from logging of the Gondwana forests of Tasmania

Bob Brown Foundation

Bob Brown Foundation's purpose is to protect ecological integrity via direct action and community mobilisation.

Conservation Ecology Centre

CEC's purpose is to generate knowledge to nurture a healthy and resilient Otways landscape.

Devil Ark

Devil Ark fights to save Tasmanian Devils from extinction.

Dolphin Research Australia

Dolphin Research Australia is dedicated to ensuring the protection of marine life through research and advocacy.

Environmental Justice Australia

EJA is a national public interest legal centre, using the law to empower communities, protect nature.

Gondwana Link

Gondwana Link aims to reconnect country across south-western Australia, restoring ecosystem function and biodiversity.

Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO)

GECO campaigning for the protection of East Gippsland's forest and wildlife from logging.

Green Heroes

Green Heros empowers community members to be environmental custodians.

Kangaroo Island Wildlife Network

KIWN delivers wildlife conservation programs for all species of Kangaroo Island wildlife.

Karrkad Kanjdji Trust

KKT brings together First Nations ranger groups and communities to address some of Australia's most pressing issues.

Kinglake Friends of the Forests

KFF advocates for the preservation of native forests and forest dwelling species in the Central Highlands.

Nature Foundation

Nature Foundation invests in conserving, restoring and protecting South Australian landscapes, flora and fauna.

North East Forest Alliance

NEFA fights to protect rainforest, oldgrowth forest, wilderness and threatened species in north-east NSW.

Odonata Foundation

The Odonata Foundation protects and enhances the natural environment to reverse biodiversity losses.

Port Phillip EcoCentre

Port Phillip EcoCentre inspires sustainable practices and reconnects people to the natural world.

ReForest Now

ReForest Now's mission is to restore climate balance by replanting rainforest trees.

Surf Coast Energy Group

SCEG encourages positive behaviour change and promotes an understanding of climate change.

Surfers Appreciating Natural Environment (SANE)

SANE promotes awareness of coastal conservation through on-ground action, advocacy and education.

Sydney Institute of Marine Science

SIMS restores marine habitats with solutions-based science, and community capacity building.

The Heart Gardening Project

THGP aims to create biodiveristy in cities and reconnect people with nature.

Victorian Forest Alliance

VFA fights to protect and restore native forests in Victoria.

Warburton Environment

WE are dedicated to the protection of the forests of the Central Highlands.

Wildlife of the Central Highlands (WOTCH)

WOTCH protects Victoria's native forests through the use of citizen science and advocacy.